This page is dedicated to the cooling system, feel free to discuss anything that is related to this topic in this page.
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Can someone tell me what I can do to my car?, it overheats and my friend told me that the cooling fans are not working but he doesn't know how to test them, and neither do I, I can't afford to take it to a repair shop, any suggestions on what I should do?
If your friend is right and your cooling fan(s) is not working, the way to test them is to unplug the electrical connector that goes to the cooling fan, next is to provide direct current to the fan from the battery, using an inline fuse in the positive wire is the best thing to do for safety, if the fan doesn't come on, you may have the wires reversed, try to plug them in the opposite way, if it still doesn't come on, your fan is bad and needs to be replaced.
If the fan comes on when you wire it directly but it doesn't come on automatically, look in the fuse box under the hood and locate the cooling fan relay, swap it with a similar relay like the horn relay before you buy it to see if the problem is in the relay, turn the car on and turn the AC on that way the cooling fan will come on faster instead of waiting for the vehicle to reach its normal operating temperature, if it comes on, your problem was the relay, you also want to make sure that you don't have a blown cooling fan fuse, sometimes when the cooling fan is getting bad, it blows the fuse, if you have a bad fuse, replace it and see if it blows again when the fan comes on, if it does, the fan is bad.
If none of the avobe is the problem, is likely that the engine control computer is not turning the fan on and off anymore due to a burned circuit, you will need to take your car to a repair facility for further diagnostics if this is the case.
I hope this information helps.
Thank you for answering my question, I did what you told me and I found out that my problem was in the fan relay.
You saved me a lot of money, plus I am proud of myself for being able to repair my own car.
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